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Stepping up to leadership

Take the journey to leadership
Monday 12th February 9:00am - Monday 6th May 2024 12:30pm
  A series of 5 workshops with peer group support to explore, build and practice ways of being a leader in the social sector In the Classroom

A series of five workshops spaced three weeks apart with peer group support to explore, build and practice ways of being a leader in the social sector. Nicky Benson will facilitate insights, provide tools and frameworks and ground learning in practice to build your competence and confidence in leading others in an unpredictable world.  The outline below is indicative, with an opportunity to co-create some content as we travel together.

Monday 12 Feb 2024 - Workshop 1 Personal Leadership 

Understanding who you are, owning your story and increased awareness of what drives your behaviour is critical to being a leader. Get clearer on your own personal brand, have techniques to harness stress and optimize your own energy to be in the best state to be an authentic and inclusive leader.

Monday 4 March 2024 - Session 2 Building high performing teams

How do we as leaders build high performance. In this workshop we will explore the building blocks of high performing teams, the challenges and opportunities of leading teams, including  working virtually or in a hybrid environment. Understanding our own communication style and how we flex to meet the needs of others and build motivation.

Monday 25 March 2024 - Session 3 Being a coach through change

Develop your competence and confidence in supporting others to step up and reach their potential. In this workshop you will hone your communication skills to build confidence and competence in being a coach, delegating and having check -in conversations. We will also explore the conversations needed to support people through change.

Monday 15 April 2024 - Session 4 Leaning into Courageous conversations

Having the courage to have the conversations that matter is critical as a leader. You will have frameworks to structure and practice conversations you find more challenging and an understanding of how we can reduce resistance and partner with others to find a way forward.

Monday 6 May 2024 - Session 5 Leadership is a journey

Reflection, key insights, challenge and opportunities. This final session gives an opportunity for us to consolidate our insights and learnings. Peer group presentations of key learnings and an opportunity to explore next steps on your leadership journey.

Comments from 2023 participants:

"Great support and conversations in the group opportunity created for real life examples to be used in problems solved."

"an amazing workshop that has given so much opportunity to grow and learn with practical useful tools"

"really appreciate nikki's facilitation - capable knowledgeable real world experience and very respectful of our learning journey"

Nicky Benson is an experienced and credible Facilitator, Coach (ICF PCC) and accredited Systemic Team Coach. She specialises in resilience, confident and persuasive communication, applied emotional intelligence, team coaching, diversity and inclusion, and courageous leadership. With 25 years’ experience gained internationally, Nicky has been running her own coaching and facilitation practice in NZ for over 20 years. Her clients in NZ span all sectors and she is also a Facilitator and Coach for The Global Women Breakthrough Leaders and Activate Programs and an Associate with Diversity Works in the area of Inclusive Leadership.

Nicky is passionate about assisting leaders to drive change and performance in their organisations, lead through complexity and helps leaders develop courage, flexibility and resilience true to their own leadership style to drive inclusive, high-performance cultures. She works holistically and recognises the importance of people continually working on their own development and self-care to adapt, thrive and lead through the complexity of change their role’s increasingly demand.

A series of five workshops spaced three weeks apart with peer group support to explore, build and practice ways of being a leader... more
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Adult $150.00
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