Welcome to the Arts for Health Annual Art Competition and Exhibition, our major fundraising event for the year. Your entry helps to support local artists to access the arts in Hamilton.
The prize money of $1,000 for the winning entry is considered to be the purchase price of the artwork and becomes part of the Arts for Health Community Trust Art Collection.
Youth Section - 14 years and under, prize of $50.
Seniors - 65 years and over, prize of $150, thanks to Age Concern for sponsorship
The Important Stuff:
All artwork must be for sale
Entries must be online and will be accepted until Wednesday 27th July 2022
Entry Fee: $30 per entry
Enter and pay online here: https://www.eventspronto.co.nz/artsforhealth
Opening night & announcement of winners: Please join us on Thursday 4th August between 5:30 -7pm for drinks and nibbles to celebrate your achievements.
Exhibition hours and dates: 10am -5pm every day between 5th August -4th September 2022
Artwork drop off & pick up: Please drop off your artwork on Wednesday 3rd August between 10am – 12 noon at Artspost, 120 Victoria St, Hamilton
Sold works: If your work is sold, we will let you know by Monday 1st August. Artspost processes payments to Arts for Health on 20th September. Arts for Health will pay you as soon as practicable after this date.
Unsold works: Please arrange for unsold work to be collected on Tuesday 6th September between 10am -12 noon at Artspost. If work is not collected within two weeks, the work will become the property of Arts for Health and may be sold for the benefit of Arts for Health.
The Artwork
Subject: Is of the artist’s choice.
Original work: Must be the artist’s own unaided original work and not reproduced from another work.
Mediums: 2D or 3D artwork of choice
Sizes: 2D work limited to 910mm x 610mm maximum or equivalent overall measurement.
3D work to be no more than 300mm x 300mm x 300mm.
Photography & computer generated: These entries are not permitted.
Entry form: All artworks must be submitted with an entry form.
Artist’s details: Please label the back of your work with your name, title, medium, sale price and entry number.
(Entry number is computer generated and sent after your application is submitted).
Signed: All work should be signed where practicable.
Multiple entries: Are permitted.
Hanging: All 2D work must be ready for hanging with ‘D’ hooks attached. Work not prepared for hanging will not be exhibited.
Works in two or more parts (diptych) must be clearly marked in the order they are to be hung and priced as one artwork.
Late or wet work: Will not be accepted.
Commission: 40% (Artspost 25%, Arts for Health 15%). Sale price to be set by the artist.
Copyright: With the exception of the winning work, copyright of all artwork remains with the artist. However, by entering the competition, artists agree to allow Arts for Health Community Trust limited copyright, free of royalties, to publish images of the entered art works on websites and social media, catalogues, publicity material and news media.
Copyright of the winning entry will transfer with ownership to Arts for Health.
Insurance: Is the responsibility of the artists.
Courier: The cost of any courier to return artwork is the responsibility of the artist.
Winning piece: The winning piece may be used for display purposes, promotion work or any other purpose, including sale, at the discretion of Arts for Health. Entering the exhibition gives agreement to this clause.
Judges: A panel of one for two judges will view every entry.
The judge’s decision will be final.
Winners: The winners will be announced on Opening Night.
These rules are subject to change and all entrants already registered will be advised.
Check our website www.artsforhealth.co.nz or our Facebook page for updates https://www.facebook.com/artsforhealthnz
Arts for Health reserve the right to make selection for hanging if there are too many entries.
Thank you for supporting your community of artists and promoting ‘Wellness through Art’.
Any questions? Contact us at office@artsforhealth.co.nz or phone 07 8382271. Please note our office hours are Tues, Wed, Thurs 9am – 3.30pm.less